Apr 20, 2023
Nov 14, 2022
Property owners outside the boundaries of Wenatchee Valley Fire Department can submit a Petition for Annexation to the Board of Fire Commissioners to request annexation. If approved, the property is annexed into one of the two fire districts that are represented by Wenatchee Valley Fire (Chelan County Fire District 1 or Douglas County Fire District 2). The process includes:
Validation by the County Assessor
Acceptance by the Fire Commissioners
A Public Hearing
Approval by the Fire Commissioners
Approval by the Chelan or Douglas County Commissioners
Contact Wenatchee Valley Fire Department at 509-662-4734 with your questions about annexation or the process.
Signed Petitions for Annexation can be mailed to the department (P.O. Box 2106, Wenatchee, WA 98807), or returned via email to kblaufuss@wvfire.org