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Regular Meeting Agenda - Board of Fire Commissioners

Wenatchee Valley Fire Department Board of Commissioners

Chelan County Fire District 1 and Douglas County Fire District 2

2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Meeting Room, Fire Station 1, 377 Eastmont, East Wenatchee


I. Call to Order – 2:00 pm

II. Additions and Deletions to Agenda

III. Public Comments – 3-minute limit

IV. Consent Agenda Items – Meeting Minutes, Warrants, Payroll, and Financial Review

V. Correspondence

VI. Staff Reports

1. Administration


3. Volunteer

VII. Unfinished Business

1. Facilities

• Fire Station 1 Concrete Replacement – Contract Modification

• Fire Station 17 Conditional Use Permit – Award Contract

2. Apparatus

3. Aviation

4. Personnel

5. Policy Review

Article III, Policy 17, Newborn Baby Transfer

Article III, Policy 18, Asset Inventory

Article X, Division 1, Policy 02, Safe Place Standards

Article X, Division 1, Policy 04, Employees Responsibility

Article X, Division 1, Policy 06, Safety Officer

6. Finance

VIII. New Business

1. Deputy Chief of Logistics Position Description

2. Performance Standards Report

3. Executive Session:

The Board will adjourn to an Executive Session to consider the acquisition of real estate (RCW 42.30.110(1)(b)). Thirty minutes is estimated for the Executive Session.

4. Authorization for Real Estate Negotiations

IX. Other Business and Good of the Order

X. Adjourn

Please call the District Secretary at 509-662-4734 with questions.


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